It has nothing to do with being a social butterfly. I don't have the quote handy, but it's decades old. A GOP operative said something like "our goal is to get liberals to disconnect from the political process" while at the same time engaging their own base. This is what the GOP is famous for. The social issues (flag burning, abortion, gay marriage, etc, etc, etc).
In the late 90's and leading up to the 2000 POTUS race, with few exceptions all of my liberal friends had disconnected from politics. It's always been the case, in my circle of people I know, that conservatives vote more regularly. This is over more than 40 years.
Are you in a predominantly conservative area? A "red state"?
Or is your circle of friends in their late teens and 20s? Younger folks just don't vote as often as older.
In the circle of people I know, who are mostly actual liberals, and who are generally 40+, they've been very engaged and voting consistently.
Heck, even the conservative Republicans I know have been engaged and voting consistently for Democrats since Obama came on the scene. I do tend to hang around smart and educated individuals, and every ethical conservative at this point has defected to voting for Democrats for years now--at least since Trump won.