Seriously, anytime you have to manage memory yourself it's going to include the danger that you mismanage it. Rust does not prevent all types of memory mismanagement.
What's more, the burden is on the programmer to manage memory; all the Rust compiler tells you is where there are potential (not actual) memory errors. The programmer still has to fix them, and even with that there are still a number of memory errors that will get through.
Compare to a GC - allocate an object and then forget about it. No problems at all.
Seriously, anytime you have to manage memory yourself it's going to include the danger that you mismanage it. Rust does not prevent all types of memory mismanagement.
What's more, the burden is on the programmer to manage memory; all the Rust compiler tells you is where there are potential (not actual) memory errors. The programmer still has to fix them, and even with that there are still a number of memory errors that will get through.
Compare to a GC - allocate an object and then forget about it. No problems at all.