This can also easily be a filter on the part of the reader: anything FP is always close to triggering the "smug" concept, even if they don't use words that would be read as smug if the topic was something else.
Same way some people are quick to read intelligent women as "uppity" though they say nothing that would be read as uppity if said by someone else.
I don't usually (get to) talk much in our team meetings. This one time I suggested we try FP for a new internal project - and the backlash I got was quite unexpected. Merely the mention made my teammates launch into a dozen different assumptions, before I even finished the sentence. I was shut down pretty quickly. I was surprised, because usually they are at least receptive to hearing out new ideas.
I think outside of HN, there's a large chunk of people out there who just have this prejudice about FP. I am only about 10 years into the software industry and I feel like I'm missing some history that is not recorded anywhere, but lives as a tribal memory.
Same way some people are quick to read intelligent women as "uppity" though they say nothing that would be read as uppity if said by someone else.