Well the world may have burned in 30 years (that doesn't seem unlikely at all). So I can perfectly imagine that by 2094 we don't have those synthetic agents. Maybe we'll just be focused on not starving.
I am starving today, being starved by a system which puts me in artificial scarcity loops, me and who knows how many others. Starvation does not hinder the desire for resolution, if anything, it fosters it.
But yes, the world might disappear tomorrow; it's just not a workable hypothesis. It's much more workable to think that the complexity of our tools will continue to increase, elevating themselves towards higher and higher abstraction layers.
Well in 2023, I think it is reasonable to wonder what will happen to our tools and technology when oil becomes scarce (peak oil was 2008, oil is not unlimited).
I was not saying that the Sun may explode. I was saying that we have good reasons to think that energy will become more and more expensive in the next few decades.