Would this really be telling us anything? Presumably, they've chosen 5-sigma for a good reason (they make so many observations?). So what would a 3-sigma result signify?
The LHC has two independent detector/teams: Atlas y CMS. Each one announced last December "evidence" of the existence of the Higgs Boson with a mass near ~125GeV, with a ~3 sigma significance. This is another ~3 sigma result in the same range from a different laboratory.
Combining naively the three results we get a ~sqr(3)3=~5 sigma significance. The real combination methods are more difficult, and probably involve a few Ph.D. thesis. But if someone that really knows about the subject does the calculations and get a 5 sigma result, I wouldn’t be very surprised. So another 3 sigma result in the same region is very interesting.
For the official result, I think that it is difficult to combine the results of different laboratories. Each laboratory will continue to get more data and try to get it own 5 sigma result, probably next year.