Will someone from Canonical team up with someone like Samsung to create a kick-ass, no hassle Linux laptop with a decent battery life? I've got money I'm dying to give you!
Apple has a top dog and a few bosses. Who exactly will co-ordinate 1,000 OSS projects to give you a hassle free experience?
There ARE ways to make a kick-ass, no hassle Linux OS, even better than OS X and more open (and still open source).
But all of them involve throwing top dollar into it, starting a few projects from scratch, forking a few existing ones and stoping the bazaar-style, design by committee, approach. You should only rely on upstream bazaar-style approach for the userland (like OS X does) and server backend stuff, not for visible UI, no core components, no libraries.
Canonical, and all other Linux companies, always just wanted to act like integrators, instead of creators. Except maybe in a few select areas.