It might not be a miracle†, just the natural evolution of a system which does not run ads and refuses to run ads from the get-go. Even if the ads would have been "ethical ads" (no tracking and so on), they'd still ruin the experience. We can only imagine how search would have looked without ads. Without getting too political, in the 1950s/60s there was a brief moment of naïveté when it was thought that ads could be used for the good of all, that détournement [1] was actually a possibility. (Narrator: it wasn't)
Hence the miracle might be in having the courage not to run ads and not locking everything beyond a paywall, updating the phrase: build it, don't run ads/paywall it, they will come, it will be great.
Hence the miracle might be in having the courage not to run ads and not locking everything beyond a paywall, updating the phrase: build it, don't run ads/paywall it, they will come, it will be great.
† Wikipedia is amazing, don't get me wrong.