It is not irrelevant. THC builds up in the body, inhibits certain endocrine systems from functioning properly. Many people who are not aware they are addicts bite off more than they can chew often, just like with alcohol. The difference is that we have a social understanding of the effects of different ABV levels in drinks, and you expect beer to get you less drunk than Everclear. Well, almost every bit of leaf or edible in the dispensary is Everclear.
You don’t eat the whole brownie or vape the whole bud at once. The shop keeper will tell you what you are getting as well, including dosage advice for your level.
You FEEL getting high and when you had enough. If you get too high, you stop. There is no overdose.
I am sure no normal people drink vodka just like beer, thinking they are both similarly alcoholic drinks. Not even accidentally. Of course, if you want to abuse, you can. In both cases. But that is your conscious choice.
> You don’t eat the whole brownie or vape the whole bud at once. The shop keeper will tell you what you are getting as well, including dosage advice for your level.
Consuming too much of an edible is pretty much the default outside of high quality dining experiences -- quality control from edible to edible is terrible and nobody weighs before they eat. And I'm not sure what dispensary you're going to where they give you dosage advice unasked for, it's abnormal in the extreme.
> You FEEL getting high and when you had enough. If you get too high, you stop. There is no overdose.
No, especially with edibles, the effect is delayed. It's true that you stop when you've had too much, but by then some portion of the population will experience psychosis, anxiety, etc. Not ideal, and very hard to protect against the next time, because again, edible quality control is terrible and everything is dosed at least 10% too high.
> I am sure no normal people drink vodka just like beer, thinking they are both similarly alcoholic drinks. Not even accidentally. Of course, if you want to abuse, you can. In both cases. But that is your conscious choice.
That's the whole point. They don't, because the distinction is clear. With marijuana products, it's not.
I only tried edibles from coffeshops in Amsterdam, and they came with plenty of warnings. Like "eat a quarter first, wait half an hour, see how you feel".
But even if it didn’t, I still struggle to understand what is the problem with taking too much THC once. You’ll have a bad time and next time you’ll have less or none. No real harm, no long term damage, no addiction. Getting drunk on vodka once will not make me more likely to have hard drinks when beer is not available. I will simply have less of the stronger product.
I see, this might be a local difference. I'm in the US, and my experience only applies to the US. This sort of thing matters for longer term users, and especially for people who are addict. The impacts on the endocrine system could be less much less pronounced and the withdrawals less severe.