It's definitely a path dependency issue. Last mile neighborhood distribution is still done with traditional transformers, so trying to push in this direction you'd ultimately just be adding another conversion step in homes. IMO the only time it makes (individual) sense is if your home has a huge bank of storage batteries for off-grid operation.
The main advantage you'd get is no 120Hz flickering (light bulbs would still need power electronics because LEDs are driven by current rather than voltage), no 60Hz hum on motors, etc. But you'd be stepping away from the massive economies of scale of the consumer market.
FWIW what voltage(s) would you pick, and why? There's no free lunch here.
The main advantage you'd get is no 120Hz flickering (light bulbs would still need power electronics because LEDs are driven by current rather than voltage), no 60Hz hum on motors, etc. But you'd be stepping away from the massive economies of scale of the consumer market.
FWIW what voltage(s) would you pick, and why? There's no free lunch here.