I could not agree more. At my current gig we have forms spanning 6 pages, where the state of each sub-form needs to be preserved, pretty much half of the form fields are conditionally loaded across all pages. There is tons of dynamic data displayed and sometimes that needs to be transformed client side, has loading and error states and there is heaps of validation happening, some of it asynchronously and it involves calling other services. Some of the inputs should be also preserved for other parts of the page regardless of whether the user fully completes all forms or not and then there is a whole basket of custom tracking that the marketing team insists needs to happen.
You could of course argue that this is bad UX or that the problem starts with the requirements but that’s usually not something engineers a lot of have control over so I am actually quiet grateful that we have a framework that lets me solve this (imho) more sanely than if I were to hack away in vanilla JS.