I agree with the premise but not the prescription, which boils down to "Find any profitable business at all, even if you find the product you're selling intensely dull or harmful." This is stoicism applied to the worst kind of Roundheaded/Puritanical, market-worshipping capitalism. It winds up teaching you that the needs of people are irrelevant, and only the needs of the market matter.
I wasn't totally clear on the prescription. But yeah. Loving coffeeshops isn't really a great reason for starting one. On the other hand, if you despise coffeeshops and the people who frequent them, you almost certainly don't want to start one even if they were good business opportunities.
Well, the needs of people include food and shelter, so if they can't meet those (because they followed some "passion", which for many young people is a BS fashion "lifestyle" thing that they don't even fully care for and don't really want to pay their dues to get there, just want it because it looks "cool") capitalism wins even more...