That could be fine as long as there is either a way to turn all that off (or better a way to selectively turn parts of it off) or a separate camera app available that lets you do that.
It's the future. Something hit your self-driving hover car and left a small dent. To get your insurance to pay for fixing the dent you have to send them a photo.
Your camera AI sees the dent as messing up the composition and removes it.
Your insurance company is Google Insurance (it's the future...Google ran out of social media and content delivery ideas to try for a while and suddenly abandon so they had to branch out to find new areas to try and then abandon). Google's insurance AI won't approve the claim because the photo shows no damage, and it is Google so you can't reach a human to help.
It's the future. Something hit your self-driving hover car and left a small dent. To get your insurance to pay for fixing the dent you have to send them a photo.
Your camera AI sees the dent as messing up the composition and removes it.
Your insurance company is Google Insurance (it's the future...Google ran out of social media and content delivery ideas to try for a while and suddenly abandon so they had to branch out to find new areas to try and then abandon). Google's insurance AI won't approve the claim because the photo shows no damage, and it is Google so you can't reach a human to help.