Sweet, was just looking for something like this the other day. My use-case is not for guitar, but just to offload some fx processing out of a DAW - a friend and I have gotten into jamming recently, and while you can do just about any
musical production task these days with a budget laptop and enough patience, where you quickly run into limitations is running multiple realtime effects. I'm not yet serious enough about it to start spending $ on effects pedals (which typically cost hundred of $ each), or even to have a clear enough idea of what pedals I would want, but I know enough about electronics to realize most modern ones are just a glorified arduino with a a 500% markup, so a budget-friendly programmable swiss ay knife pedal would be a dream.
For my use-case the touchscreen is entirely unnecessary (programming it via a WebUI sounds more convenient anyway if you don't need to use it sans PC), which is inflating t
he BOM by about 500%, and of course RPi4 is a uniquely poor choice of target platform at this particular moment in time, so seeing if it can run on a headless Pi Zero is definitely going on my endless to-do list. ;)
I was thinking about something similar but wondering if you could do it over Ethernet and the VST API with low enough latency to be useful for a DAW. Or if you can figure out a way to make latency less of an issue all together and enable remote VSTs.
The 500% markup should also get you reliability and a decent chance that your tech is familiar with it were you ever to be on stage. Look around, everyone uses the same stuff, for the most part.
For my use-case the touchscreen is entirely unnecessary (programming it via a WebUI sounds more convenient anyway if you don't need to use it sans PC), which is inflating t he BOM by about 500%, and of course RPi4 is a uniquely poor choice of target platform at this particular moment in time, so seeing if it can run on a headless Pi Zero is definitely going on my endless to-do list. ;)