And this is the point I am making. There are many student studying aeroastro at MIT. Not all of their projects are about small drones but many are. And if the small drone test they want to do fits into this room they seem to prefer it. And if one project makes some gizmo (like those gates) for themselves and it looks usefull they won’t throw it away, but chuck it somewhere for storage and then the future projects, such as this one we are just discussing, reuses them.
Plus the tracking system. Which is the big differentiator of course. And the fact that it is not used for basketball games but to test indoor drones.
What else do you think you need for an indoor drone testing facility?
> And, the hanging gates are rigid pink insulating foam sheets
> probably made and hung custom for this project.
Here is an earlier MIT aeroastro project using the same gates from 2021:
And this is the point I am making. There are many student studying aeroastro at MIT. Not all of their projects are about small drones but many are. And if the small drone test they want to do fits into this room they seem to prefer it. And if one project makes some gizmo (like those gates) for themselves and it looks usefull they won’t throw it away, but chuck it somewhere for storage and then the future projects, such as this one we are just discussing, reuses them.