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I'm in the exact same boat as the commenter you're responding to: I'm in my 40s, been a night owl my whole life. I very, very rarely fall asleep before 1am, despite decades of trying. I usually (but not even always) have a cup of coffee when I get up in the morning, but that's it.

Why is it so difficult to imagine that people have different sleep schedules? Like, we do not blink at the thought that, say, height exists on a bell curve. Why wouldn't a circadian rhythm?

God save me from the early-riser moralists.

No morals implied here. I had the same pattern as you until I learned about sleep health from Matt Walker. There are very specific things you can do to change sleep habits, but only if you want to.

Of tremendous importance to me was learning that not all sleep is of the same “quality”, and that quality affects you the next day. You can learn how to improve sleep quality. Matt Walker is a good start in case your interested. Andrew Huberman has some episodes on it, too, as does Rhonda Patrick.

If you’re happy with 1AM then by all means, don’t change. I wasn’t happy with how I felt during waking hours. I was getting enough sleep, but it was low quality.

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