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So he did zero load testing before publishing an app live on television, developed with technology completely new to him?

Developed in four days, don't forget that part.

It just sounds like a huge gamble. It would be quite lucky to get everything working by chance on the first try, without any bottlenecks in any part of the newly created config.

I guess he took away some good lessons from this, since his "morals of the story" say:

* Do not accept responsibility for anything that you had to do in a very limited time.

* Do not accept the job if the timeline is short, the work is big and the load is heavy.

* Load test your application no matter what the cost. If they want to get them all, they need to pay for them all.

Failing is hard, but I'm sure he learned :)

I'd add "don't ever change your techno 4 days before you go on TV"

Seriously, the article should've been titled "Why You Can't Deploy Publicly Available Apps in Four Days".

yes to me this is the craziest part.

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