I have my own local development Rails setup and template files that could be dropped in any project with minimal changes (mostly around configuring the db connection)
Haven't spent the time to document it. But the general idea is to have a `make` target that orchestrates everything so `docker-compose` can just spin things up.
I've used this sort of thing for multiple types of projects, not just Rails, it can work with any framework granted you have the right docker images.
For deployment I have something similar, builds upon the same concepts (with ansible instead of make, and focused on multi-server deploys, terraform for setting up the cloud resources), but not open sourced yet.
Maybe I'll get to document it and post my own "Show HN" with this soon.
- https://gitlab.com/sdwolfz/docker-projects/-/tree/master/rai...
Haven't spent the time to document it. But the general idea is to have a `make` target that orchestrates everything so `docker-compose` can just spin things up.
I've used this sort of thing for multiple types of projects, not just Rails, it can work with any framework granted you have the right docker images.
For deployment I have something similar, builds upon the same concepts (with ansible instead of make, and focused on multi-server deploys, terraform for setting up the cloud resources), but not open sourced yet.
Maybe I'll get to document it and post my own "Show HN" with this soon.