I sense contradiction. You literally used an example of an evolutionary strategy found in nature (parasitism) to somehow support your theory that nature is not corrupt.
I said systems which are stable are not corrupt, as found in abundance in nature, not that nature does not include examples of what happens when a system becomes corrupt.
Population density breeds disease and parasites (of the biological kind.)
Population out of balance with resources is a systemic corruption that living strategies resolve dynamically through time.
I think this is a very pure and cynical view to take to humanity. We’re a whole lot more than systems and equations. I get this is hacker news but this surely is a result of your own personal view which is valid but ultimately yours? Thus not answering the question. Or have I jumped the gun a bit?
Corruption comes by parasites and perversion. In humanity’s case a power (and off hand willingness) to harm greater than accountability.
Comfort, convenience, complicity fine, yet draw the line at collusion or negligence.