Is HoloLens on a trajectory towards success, in your opinion?
Seems to me it's far too expensive for gamers, and not all that useful for business - all I can find online are mock ups of hypothetical business uses, like telling mechanics which way to turn a spark plug to tighten it. To me that doesn't seem very useful. What are the chances a job is done so rarely your workers don't know the procedure already; and yet so frequently it makes sense to build a detailed 3D-modelled instruction pack to replace the normal paper instructions?
Congress just gave the military something like $75m-$150m to award to Microsoft to improve the hololens for battlefield readiness. It started as a high end niche business product. Demo'd well for the military. Business device shoehorned into military didn't work. But, if they can get it "military good" those enhancements will trickle down to business and eventually consumer use cases.
I generally roll my eyes at Military > Consumer path companies, but in this case? Not so much. Business > Military > Actual Military Usefulness > Mass Market is an interesting trajectory worth watching.
The opportunity is in the first consumer grade smart glasses. If MS could get their hardware there first, they had a chance to disrupt the Google/Apple (bi)monopoly on mobile devices. The Hololens2 experience is quite good, what one would want in a pair of smart glasses.
In my use case the complex, scientific equipment is spread around the world. Low volume though. I planned to offer support remotely rapidly with HoloLens.