Pedantic, obsessive coders are the worst to work with. I'm guessing they also lack social skills and awareness. I agree with your examples, KISS and code should be clear and easy to read, think about others who have to pick up your work in the future.
I worked with a guy like this on the last contract I worked, ended up resenting him, really poor social skills and would just obsessively code all day. Another older guy would get lost on a refactoring project for months and then the manager asked me to review it, he's spent so long just refactoring and moving stuff around but it added no functional benefit, that's a lot of time and money to the business lost.
You can set engineering guidelines, PEP8, or enforce code rules via CI pipelines, at least then if they become pedantic you can just refer to the rules.
Ultimately I think it's a combination of introversion, obsessiveness, lack of experience in coding for others, being pedantic and social skills.
I worked with a guy like this on the last contract I worked, ended up resenting him, really poor social skills and would just obsessively code all day. Another older guy would get lost on a refactoring project for months and then the manager asked me to review it, he's spent so long just refactoring and moving stuff around but it added no functional benefit, that's a lot of time and money to the business lost.
You can set engineering guidelines, PEP8, or enforce code rules via CI pipelines, at least then if they become pedantic you can just refer to the rules.
Ultimately I think it's a combination of introversion, obsessiveness, lack of experience in coding for others, being pedantic and social skills.