I second this. I added 'AppiRater' (https://github.com/arashpayan/appirater) to one of my popular apps which users weren't reviewing. As soon as I added AppiRater the number of reviews increased a lot. I also noticed that it didn't increase the number of negative reviews which was a surprise.
As you can do with pirater. You can also set a time limit, a combination of both, remind the user again, or give them one change only. AppiRater is very flexible, not sure what iRate offers over that.
My hunch is that the main app page would convert better for getting star ratings. Have you tested both?
The potential problem with the reviews page is that it makes it seem to the user like they have to write a review in order to give a star rating. On the main app page, however, they can just provide a star rating.
In the last release of one of my apps I implemented one of the libraries and I saw the amount of ratings soar. Especially the positive ratings.