One RPI4 running 24/7, hosting my files with encrypted ZFS on two external drives. I access the files through SFTP, Syncthing and Samba. It also runs various nightly backups to/from the cloud. Oh, and it runs Pi-Hole.
It runs OK, but is a little slow when transferring files because of the encryption. The max throughput is 20MB/s which is not awesome, but not terrible at the same time. I have spare machines around that I should use instead, but it works well enough that I can't be bothered to do it. I'm also a little worried about data corruption, because apparently that happens with ZFS without ECC ram, so...
One RPI4 running 24/7, hosting my files with encrypted ZFS on two external drives. I access the files through SFTP, Syncthing and Samba. It also runs various nightly backups to/from the cloud. Oh, and it runs Pi-Hole.
It runs OK, but is a little slow when transferring files because of the encryption. The max throughput is 20MB/s which is not awesome, but not terrible at the same time. I have spare machines around that I should use instead, but it works well enough that I can't be bothered to do it. I'm also a little worried about data corruption, because apparently that happens with ZFS without ECC ram, so...