There are endless things to do, depending on your interests. Whether you enjoy ham radio or not probably depends more on what sub-community that you get involved with, rather than "ham radio" generically. I have been licensed for 50 years now -- what keeps me interested is a mix of: 1. I belong to an active contest-oriented club, and participate in several HF radiosport competitions each year. 2. Building HF antennas from stacks of raw aluminum tube, 3. I am in the process of building an FM repeater for the 1200 MHz band. 4. I am studying-up on software-defined radios, and hope to scratch-build some kind (any kind, really) of SDR transceiver that works acceptably. 5. In the past I have done weak-signal VHF/UHF DX'ing, and might cycle back to that activity again.
Anyway.... there are an infinite number of other things that you can get into, depending on what mood strikes you. Satellites? Check. Digital television? Check. Remote control stations? Check. I tend to switch around. My guiding philosophy: "It's a hobby -- if you aren't having fun, you are doing it wrong."
As I mentioned above, the communities that you participate in, be they meat-space or on-the-air, will shape your enjoyment. Visit some clubs. You might get lucky on the first probe, but if that crowd doesn't resonate with you, try another. As I mentioned above, I belong to a contest club because the dominant personality type is a little competitive and a lot inquisitive, always looking for ways to improve station and operator performance. In contrast, there are public-service/emergency-communication oriented clubs, so if providing comms for a bicycle rally or participating in a severe-weather observation network is more your style, look for a group that does that. There are home-brew clubs where everyone is into scratch-building radios, if you are more the experimenter type.
The ARRL web site has license study material and other training material. Most places in the USA have local volunteer clubs that run license exam sessions.
Anyway.... there are an infinite number of other things that you can get into, depending on what mood strikes you. Satellites? Check. Digital television? Check. Remote control stations? Check. I tend to switch around. My guiding philosophy: "It's a hobby -- if you aren't having fun, you are doing it wrong."
As I mentioned above, the communities that you participate in, be they meat-space or on-the-air, will shape your enjoyment. Visit some clubs. You might get lucky on the first probe, but if that crowd doesn't resonate with you, try another. As I mentioned above, I belong to a contest club because the dominant personality type is a little competitive and a lot inquisitive, always looking for ways to improve station and operator performance. In contrast, there are public-service/emergency-communication oriented clubs, so if providing comms for a bicycle rally or participating in a severe-weather observation network is more your style, look for a group that does that. There are home-brew clubs where everyone is into scratch-building radios, if you are more the experimenter type.
The ARRL web site has license study material and other training material. Most places in the USA have local volunteer clubs that run license exam sessions.