Also, I read yesterday that the Ukrainian orthodox church suggested its followers could celebrate on the 25th rather than on the customary January 7th (Christmas in the Julian calendar) this year.
In Poland Christmas is 25th and 26th, but all the main celebration happen on eveningn of 24th. The remaining two days are more for rest and hanging out with your extended family.
Even without the alternate dates Christmas lasts longer than 48 hours ..
So that poses a question, just how long does Christmas day last for, from the first moment at the first place to the last moment at the last place about the globe?
Unrelated but this message just thought me that 'to advance' some time is to make it earlier. I always assumed the opposite because it sounds like you push it forwards in time.
I'm afraid to say 'push [or usually bring] it forwards in time' also typically means 'earlier', not later!
We say 'push it back' to mean make something later. I suppose it all makes some sort of sense if you picture the future as a queue of things facing you - you can bring elements forward (nearer) or push them back (further).
No, sure, it is a funny way to picture it. I only really thought of it to explain the phrases that come naturally to me (just because I'm used to them).