At least I'm not making ad hominem attacks against my own children and everyone else who choses not to reproduce themselves, like you did FIRST.
I'm merely pointing out that your own original ad hominem attacks could also apply just as well to your own children, which you don't want to admit.
And that you could drive your children to suicide with that kind of disrespectful attitude, judging your own children's lives as empty and sad, devoid of happiness, and incapable of truly experiencing love, just because they didn't deliver you grandchildren.
Are you really that homophobic and paternalistic, or do you more generally hate and demean and devalue the lives and love of everyone who doesn't breed "equally"?
So be careful, stop being so judgemental and demeaning, and try to be a better parent!
And stop complaining about ad hominem attacks, when you're the one who threw the first stone at the most number of people, possibly including your own children.