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Ask HN: Why don't you like Dart?
1 point by account-5 on Dec 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Earlier this year I was looking for a language that was truly cross platform: mobile, desktop, web; across all the major OS's. I was put off by hybrid apps due to (from the outside in) complexity and the huge amount of frameworks; which ones to use? What one is the best?

This is when I became aware of Dart and Flutter. To me it seemed like a no brainer. Truly cross platform with JIT and AOT compilation. Hot reload for development. Just to name a few things.

Since then I've come to realise that whilst Flutter gets a lot of love, Dart is mostly universally dismissed or disliked. In a recent Show HN post [0] about replacing Dart with Closure for Flutter programming I replied to another comment, dismissive of Dart, asking what was so back about Dart [1], this lead to some good discussion about its pros and cons. There's appears to be a push to replace Dart with multiple other languages in relation to Flutter. So, again, what's so bad about Dart?

I thought a dedicated discussion would be good so more people could voice their opinions.

I'm not a full time developer, or what I would consider a developer at all. I just create personal project apps. For me Dart/Flutter is a good work horse for least amount of work most amount of benefit.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33820608

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33820608#33827753

A pretty good article about the language's positive points, with a reply that makes a good point that it's not so bad that it only exists for Flutter.


There's something to be said about boring tools.

I recently started using Dart with Flutter on a hobby project, just because I wanted my app to be truly cross platform.

So far (been working on it for 5 months), I find the learning curve to be very lean and the syntax is not bad at all.

I like Dart, a lot, but one thing I have to agree on is that Dart is nothing without Flutter, sadly.

That's my take too. I do think Dart can stand on it's own but obviously Flutter is the reason most people use it now.

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