It depends when you asked. Prior to FTX’s fall he was a genius that knew everything. Now he has adopted some sort of Lennie from Of Mice and Men act that would have made John Malkovich blush. He doesn’t know anything- the balance sheet, how to code, the trades, where any of the money is…
He's a classic confidence man and probably a narcissist. He probably thought he was the smartest man in the room because he surrounded himself with yes men. I don't doubt that he knew what he was doing was unethical and probably illegal, but since everyone else in the world was dumber than him they would never know. Then reality came crashing in all at once and you're seeing these interviews where he claims it was all a big misunderstanding and you should feel bad for him because the big mean market was so unfair to him. Absolute horseshit. Dude flagrantly played with fire and got burned.
You are right. I’ve edited it above. That’s the second time this week I’ve done something stupid like that. I think I should stop posting. I’m not even old enough to use that as an excuse.
> Prior to FTX’s fall he was a genius that knew everything
To folks who bought into crypto. The rest of us has been calling the whole space a scam from the start. I don’t think I’ve had a better track record in calling shorts in my life.