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Copyrights and patents protect the little guy as much as they protect big corporations.

I am somewhat skeptical of that, but especially in regards to patents.

Many companies build patent porfolios out of a desire for ptoection, but only from other patent holders suing them as a large patent portfolio would likely permit them to counter-sue any practicing entity (read: anything other than a dedicated patent-troll). Others build up the portfolios of patents just to show value to potential purchasers. They generally do not actually provide protection for real R&D (and often don't represent an investment in it).

Paul Graham touches on this at: http://www.paulgraham.com/patentpledge.html and at http://www.paulgraham.com/softwarepatents.html

To very briefly summarize (and perhaps oversimplify): Even if patents can be good in the modern era, it is very easy to use them in bad ways, and they often are used in bad ways.

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