Congratulations on what might be the weakest way to concede a debate I've ever seen.
> I lived under both systems
This isn't an either/or thing. Binary thinking is a terrible trap to fall into.
> Apply those learnings in your own life and only then tell others how to spend their own hard-earned money.
Hard earned? Billionaires?
... Do you think those billionaires are working literally millions of times harder or smarter than nurses, or janitors? Do you think they didn't come from enormous wealth? Do you think they didn't exploit thousands, tens of thousands, or millions of people to grow that wealth? These are answered questions, by the way.
Just fucking tax them. Then tax the yacht industry to pay for the environmental damage. Then they can buy whatever they like, as I've already said.
I write this message on a device built by a company started by a billionaire. Posted on a board created by another billionaire. I earn my family's living on a platform created by yet another billionaire. All self-made.
My (failed) aspiration to become a (b)millionaire has also created quantifiable value in this world, value that wouldn't have existed if I didn't think I have the chance to improve my lot in life.
All work is important, be it from janitors and nurses or billionaires. But the wealthy are already paying most of taxes in US. As they should. We are all benefiting from that. However, a system punishing certain people for their success will simply lead to less success in general.
> I write this message on a device built by a company started by a billionaire.
A device made with minerals mined by slaves. And what role, exactly, did this billionaire have in making phones? Did he buy other people's work and provide capital, or did he actually create anything?
> Posted on a board created by another billionaire.
Mr. Altman didn't invent the tech for boards. And his net worth is more like a quarter billion, afaik.
> a system punishing certain people for their success will simply lead to less success in general.
Who said anything about punishing people.
When the top tax rate was well over 90%, there was still plenty of innovation. Your arguments are tired talking points, crafted and sold by cynical goons.
> what role, exactly, did this billionaire have in making phones?
What role did the seed have in making the tree's fruits?
> Mr. Altman
It's PG who built HN. Wrote the software from scratch, too. And his role, as YC co-founder should have put him well above 1B. On paper, of course, as most billionaires actually are.
> Your arguments are tired talking points, crafted and sold by cynical goons.
Your arguments are crafted and sold by oppressors, dictators and tyrants everywhere. They propped a system that killed more people than nazism: communism.
> What role did the seed have in making the tree's fruits?
That's not an appropriate analogy here. Without a tree there would be no fruit - without billionaires, we'd still have phones.
> It's PG who built HN.
I stand corrected.
His net worth is estimated at 50m however. He's far closer in wealth to you and I than he is to a billionaire. ~900 million dollars closer.
Probably because he chose not to exploit his gifts in search of endless profit. He made choices to help people around him, instead of exploiting them to the hilt. He probably even pays something like his fair share of taxes, instead of paying dipshits to find loopholes to hide his money.
> Your arguments are crafted and sold by oppressors, dictators and tyrants everywhere.
Buddy, if oppressors and dictators and tyrants were talking about taxing billionaires and saving the environment then we'd have a very different world today.
No idea what planet you're on, but it seems like there's no getting through to you. Good luck to ye.
Congratulations on what might be the weakest way to concede a debate I've ever seen.
> I lived under both systems
This isn't an either/or thing. Binary thinking is a terrible trap to fall into.
> Apply those learnings in your own life and only then tell others how to spend their own hard-earned money.
Hard earned? Billionaires?
... Do you think those billionaires are working literally millions of times harder or smarter than nurses, or janitors? Do you think they didn't come from enormous wealth? Do you think they didn't exploit thousands, tens of thousands, or millions of people to grow that wealth? These are answered questions, by the way.
Just fucking tax them. Then tax the yacht industry to pay for the environmental damage. Then they can buy whatever they like, as I've already said.