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Ok. What’s a good lisp like language without the embedded parentheses? I know it’s subjective, but I just can’t get past them.

REBOL might scratch that itch, it is "not dead yet" kinda of like how Amiga is not dead yet

I gave up on it with the switch to 64bit machines ... but it still holds a warm and fuzzy place in my memories as how I "got" lisp before I even knew what a lisp was.

warning free but not even open source [http://www.rebol.com/]

There is also red-lang, it's successor in geist: https://www.red-lang.org/

Julia has many of the features one expects of a lisp. But it has a more "normal" syntax

They often have other parentheses, just in different places and with a different purpose.

Julia, following on the footsteps of Dylan.

I think homoiconicity and the resulting macro system necessitates s-expressions. I mean how could you devise a "programmable" programming language with ASCII-based syntax in other ways?





pure/q (aardappel is worth looking at but could hardly be less ascii-based)



There is no lisp without s-expressions. To understand why, you should try paredit.

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