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Ask HN: Uncommon Web Languages?
17 points by ilrwbwrkhv on Nov 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments
Recently I have been a huge fan of

1. Imba (https://imba.io/) 2. Mint Lang (https://mint-lang.com/)

and have been quite impressed.

Are there any other languages like these for the web which takes uncommon approaches and tries to make things faster, easier?

Elm is another which I know about and have played with.

Haxe Lang has some really nice UI frameworks including HaxeUI[1] and CoconutUI[2] which can both compile for the web using the javascript target. You get AOT type checking + compile-time macros. Haxe, I think, had the poor luck of coming about in the same general time as TypeScript which had a mega corporation propelling its hype and adoption.

[1]: https://github.com/haxeui/haxeui-core

[2]: https://github.com/MVCoconut/coconut.ui

i am always rooting for haxe it's just the community adoption is so lacking, which i find surprising. At the time, typing was somewhat shun by the javascript community until the arrival of Flow/Typescript, but Haxe had already existed way before those and with additional benefits of compiling to other languages. One day, I hope haxe will find its rightful place outside of game development.

Smalltalk and it’s Seaside server were really something in the early days. Basically broke out of the response/request model by doing your interactions with saved continuations. So if your server function requests a text to be entered, it would be “frozen” there and once the date makes it’s way back, it’ll pick up right there. Obviously that takes some RAM, and coupled with the unusual language, that made it a rare beast. Of course, later we’d escape this interaction model in much worse and wasteful ways, but now it’s the client paying for the RAM.

Tons of them, but I am most interested in the following for various reasons:

PureScript[1] — been around a long time. Looks a lot like Haskell to me.

Derw[2] — Elm-like, interesting integration with Typescript

Amber[3] — smalltalk for js

Rescript[4] — its been awhile since i last looked at this project (during a catastrophic rebrand) so I'm not sure where this project is at, but it did seem very promising to me at one point.

[1]: https://www.purescript.org/

[2]: https://github.com/eeue56/derw

[3]: https://amber-lang.net/

[4]: https://rescript-lang.org/

Also a very big Mint fan. Discovered it thanks to a long post from the Elm founder.

Conceptually very nice. It is like you take React practicality, Ruby on Rails joy and a decent (but not full!) dose of Elm purity and correctness. I am porting a hobby project over to it right now, and then hopefully build more with it, and then eventually maybe contribute.

I also really like Elm, but the problem I have with it is needing all state updates to be centralized, and the kind of coding patterns that leads to. Some people like this, but I prefer the more React-like looseness where objects can have their own private state and so on. Even if that means I give up time travel debugging and so on.

Another uncommonish one is Elixir/Phoenix. I was going to learn this but it felt like 'work' to learn, whereas Mint didn't. And that is mostly to do with how my brain works. I think also Mint optimizes for joy for small projects, whereas Phoenix will come into it's own when you need to scale up, and it is easy to do so, in my opinion.

Since Firebase (or it's competition) can give me live updates, I don't feel I really "need" to learn Phoenix for any use case I will get into.

I'm making a VDOM framework in Ruby. It runs on the server and streams DOM patches to the browser. Components are written in Haml and stylesheets are scoped to components. There is hot reloading too.

I haven't made any public releases yet and I'm not sure if the project is mature enough to receive any attention so I'm not posting a link at this point

Example of a simple component:

    %div Hello
State and callbacks:

      Button = import("./Button")

      def self.get_initial_state(initial_count: 0, **props) = {
        count: 0

      def handle_click(event)
        update do |state|
          { count: state[:count] + 1 }
        Count: #{state[:count]}
And it's async so if you want to make a component that shows the current time:

      def mount
        loop do
          update(time: Time.now.to_s)
          sleep 0.5
    %p Current time: #{state[:time]}

similar to livewire in PHP/Laravel and Phoenix liveview, We definitely need more of these as it makes absolutely no sense to bring in the JS bloat for a few forms and drawing a few rectangles and this is 99% of the web apps out there.

Looks super cool.



Do people still use Morfik anymore?

C++ the O.G.


WebScript? ColdFusion?

ColdFusion! Wild. I wrote tons of code in CF over 10 years ago. I was not aware it is still a thing.


Already mentioned in original post... but because I love it +1 on Elm

These days... Angular

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