It's down now and I didn't take photos. It's an end-fed (64:1 transformer) sloped 20 meter dipole at 65' (19.8 meters.) I built a pair of very good chokes to stop the common mode inherent in these antennas. Had it tuned perfectly using an analyzer and about 10 iterations of trimming.
I have large trees on a good bit of land in the middle of nowhere and I can do as I please. I just can't spend what I please. :) Unfortunately the tops of such trees -- the part I'm trying to hang stuff on -- move a lot in the wind. They are a poor foundation for a permanent antenna.
My plan is a horizontal multiband doublet at 70'+ fed with 600 ohm ladder line and an automatic remote tuner. That will deliver 5 or more bands with decent radiation lobes. About 50' of marine grade bungee will support it. The main thing I learned is that if you're hanging something from the twiggy, weak branches on the tops of trees it must be light. Just small gauge wire and support rope. No ferrites or coax or anything like that.
Currently fiddling with the length of a not-so-long wire on a 1:9 UnUn, up the 2m that my tree and neighbor situation permits.