Just like we have stdout and stderr, header lines such as those produced by `ps` should be printed to stdmeta. Curl is the worse offender here, outputing meta lines to stderr instead of stdout. A stdmeta file descriptor would make it clear what is data, what is an error, and what is _describing_ the data.
That reminds me of something I've wanted for quite a while:
A ringbuffer filetype. Similar to a named pipe file (see: fifo(7)[^1]), but without consuming the contents on read and automatically rotating out the oldest lines.
Of course, there would be some complexities around handling read position as lines are being rotated out from under you.
Only allow sequential reads. Each reader gets it's own cursor. If writer catches up to slowest reader (buffer full) it bumps it up before it writes. Clients can query current cursor position to know if they've been bumped. Or something like that.
If we're adding standard output fds, maybe it would be a useful time to define any mechanism for consumers of those fds to discern the total ordering of bytes written to the three of them.
WC has a "character" flag that really just counts bytes:
$ echo דותן | wc -c
Note that each letter is two bytes, and the newline is an additional byte. So you could pipe (or tree) to wc to count bytes. For a hypothetical stdmeta on fd 3, that might look like this (piping stdout to devnull):
I'm not sure what you are answering. I am writing about the thing where some programs intentionally write different byte streams to stderr and stdout that will be interleaved a certain way if stdout and stderr turn out the be the same thing, but if the user wishes to distinguish which bytes were written to which stream, they can no longer recover the correct interleaving of the bytes.
The best compromise I can think of would be to prepend the line source to the combined output, so lines in the combined output can be distinguished. But depending on how you do that, you might have timing issues. In fact, any form of interleaving the outputs of stderr and stdout are technically subject to timing issues because even the source application can’t specify that bytes in one stream should follow bytes in another stream. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12517519/how-to-redirect... talks a bit about the problem, and I’m sure someone somewhere has written a general-purpose tool, but there are timing edge cases here and often the solution is seen as keeping errors messages exclusively in stdout (or logs) or more practically, not worrying about preserving order and writing errors exclusively to stderr without worrying as much about strictly when errors interleave. If you add timestamps to your line outputs, or add some form of line numbers to the output, you can restore order after logging but it would be application-specific to do so. From a practical perspective, listening to both streams and quickly appending to a list with a data structure containing the source and message text is probably your closest approximation if writing code to handle output streams and you want an combined output that can still source which stream came from which source. (Again subject to timing errors)
You could require orderable sequence numbers before or after each line. It would be easiest as yet another VT escape sequence, but if you are pie-in-sky adding more standard "files" anyway maybe you wish for lines to be newline-delimited JSON CRDTs while you are at it.
I would wish for jq to be a really generic tool for working with structured data on the commandline, but I have a really hard time figuring out how to do e.g. conditional-based editing etc. Can't get my head around that, and don't find any info about it on the net. Seems even something that just supports SQL (upon JSON) would be better in this regard.
Hi there - I'm the author of `jc`. I also created `jello`[0], which works just like `jq` but uses python syntax. I find `jq` is great for many things but sometimes more complex operations are easier for me to grok in python.
Doing editing only on selected "rows" or items in a structure, based on the values of other attributes in them. Similar to what you specify in the WHERE clause in SQL-statements.
Didn't know about this, the HN dividend pays out again!
When wrestling with sed/awk in trying to parse results of a shell command, I've often thought that a shell-standard, structured outpout would be very handy. Powershell[0] has this, but it's a binary format - so not human-readable. I want something in the middle: human- and machine-readable. Without either having to do parsing gymnastics.
jc isn't quite that shell standard, but looks like it goes a long way towards it. And, of course, when JSON falls out of fashion and is replaced by <whatever>, `*c` can emerge to fill the gap. Nice.
Well, yes - powershell passes binary objects but as you can always:
1) access their properties
2) pass them downstream
3) serialize to json/csv
4) instantiate from json/csv
I think this is both human- and machine-readable enough (even through internal format is binary, but working with Powershell you are never really exposed to it).
How do you think it can be improved?
In my opinion object io IS the best part of powershell - it allows us to ditch results wrangling with sed/awk/grep entirely. I'm super interested if there's an even better way forward.
Shell would benefit from Content-Type/Accept headers. Like you can specify that cat accepts text and jq accepts Json. Then `ip a` would output corresponding type automatically.
>> Shell would benefit from Content-Type/Accept headers. Like you can specify that cat accepts text and jq accepts Json. Then `ip a` would output corresponding type automatically.
That seems unnecessary. Traditionally, shells have always used text streams. JSON is just text that follows a given convention. Couldn't what you are describing be implemented by setting environment variables or using command line flags?
For example:
Tools that can generate and consume structured text formats are a good idea, but they should be flexible enough that they can even work with other tools that have not been written yet.
"This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface." --Doug McIlroy
I don't follow. JSON is not really readable. I don't want to see JSON output ever except for script debugging. I want to see well formatted output. But at the same time I want to be able to write something like
ip a | filter "[].address like 192.*"
So when I'm typing `ip a` I expect to get output for human and when I'm piping it to `filter` program, I expect for those programs to exchange with JSON (and ideally `filter` should use some tabular formatting as its human-readable output).
You suggesting that I should write `PREFERRED_OUTPUT_FORMAT=JSON ip a | filter "[].address like 192.*"` but that's really verbose and error-prone. It might work for scripts, but for ad-hoc shell I don't like this approach. Ideally programs should be able to communicate between pipes for their preferred formats.
I was saying that Accept Headers or "format negotiation" concepts that are typically used in client-server communications are a bit overkill for command line tools and shell pipelines.
I agree that human-readable text formats should be the default output formats for command line tools, but that easy-to-parse structured text output formats should be easy to specify with either environment variables or command line flags.
If I am writing a script and I am using tools that support a given structured output format and use environment variables or command line flags for output configuration it could work something like this:
This would mean that the command line tools default to human-readable formats, but can still generate JSON or some other structured text format when configured to do so.
Someone on this site suggested that programs open another filehandle along with stdout and stderr (stdjson) for their json output which struck me as a way to make this work in a backwards-compatible fashion.
Nushell has this too. I‘ve tried is as daily driver for a while. It‘s not there yet, but almost. After it hits 1.0 I‘m going to switch for good and leave the duck tape solutions behind.
Why does this site recommend using "paru", "aura" or "yay" to install it on Arch? I have been using Arch for a decade or so but have never even heard of such tools. They don't even have pages in the Arch wiki, and only yay ("Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go") is available via the standard repository.
Begs the question: what is so wrong with plain pacman?
I am the author of SPyQL [1]. Combining JC with SPyQL you can easily query the json output and run python commands on top of it from the command-line :-) You can do aggregations and so forth in a much simpler and intuitive way than with jq.
I just wrote a blogpost [2] that illustrates it. It is more focused on CSV, but the commands would be the same if you were working with JSON.
One of the features of Julia that I really like and wish would be adopted elsewhere is that the stringification methods take a context object that can indicate the string is to be presented in: plaintext, ansii-colored terminal, json, HTML, LaTeX, GraphViz, etc. It would have been amazing to have this kind of flexibility considered in the Unix tools.
That said, I would argue that JSONLines is a better universal output format when you're dealing with pipelines. If the output is one giant JSON array, then you have to wait for a long-running program to finish completely before the output can be passed on to the next long-running program. If you output one JSON line at a time as you process your input, then the next program in the pipeline can get started on processing already without waiting for the first to finish completely.
Another vote for something like libXo as the better solution. This thing is just passing the parsing problem of interacting with an unstable API to someone else and hoping they maintain theirs better than you would maintain yours.
Great idea, but sounds like a maintenance nightmare to me. Not only that many users will complain that their favorite CLI tool isn't supported, but also a new release of any of the supported CLI tools might break the support without any kind of warning, as I don't think changes to the (human-readable) output are considered major changes.
It doesn't even need a new release. jc can already fail because of details like the system-language. With my local language, on a simple output of ls -l, it's parsing
{"filename":"drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Oct 4 11:21 ."}
Hi there! `jc` author here. Yes, it is a documented caveat[0] that the `C` or `en_US.UTF-8` locales should be used for best results.
It's not unheard of for tools to require `C` locale for proper parsing:
$ LC_ALL=C ls -l | jc --ls
This is one of many inherent issues with using unstructured text as an API. That's why I believe there should be a JSON (or at least some other widely used format[1]) option for tools that have output that would be useful in scripts.
This is true. However, the issue is with the tool outputting unstructured data to begin with. As the `jc` author says, the best would be if tools supported structured output formats to begin with.
Any custom parser of ls output would potentially have the same problem. Of course, it can be improved though – for example by looking at LANG – and it would be nice for such improvements to get into `jc`, so that other tools can rely on it at least more than doing the parsing directly themselves.
Changes to the human-readable output of most standard Unix tools are a big deal given the amount of scripts which depends on them. They commonly are seen as fairly stable to the point that even some non-Posix tools like e.g. apt, which doesn't have a stable CLI warns about it to stderr if you try to redirect it's output to a pipe[1].
If anything, though, that's a good reason for a tool like this to exist rather than have every script that depends on these tools use their own, often hacky, parsing of the output.
[1] "WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts."
Last year I looked for JSON output with the dig command on Linux but found the yaml option while reading the man page. It was handy. I always wondered why yaml/JSON output is not standard with Linux and Unix utilities for scripting needs. Anyway:
Because neither yaml or JSON existed when most of these tools were written, and then people got used to the current outputs, and so it's very varying whether or not anyone has felt the pain enough to decide it's worth adding the option for another output format.
- It has to parse output of commands which may or may not be intended to be parsed and may or may not have a predictable format. The only way to overcome this is if this program becomes one of the Big Four "UN*X command output -> data" converters
- It casts things to "float/int"
- Depending on who made this library, the output itself may not be strict / predictable. Perhaps it will output JSON with two different key names in two different scenarios.
And don't forget that any of these issues will still come up even if they are accommodated for, due to versions of programs changing without the author of this tool knowing.
But yeah basic things having intrinsic shortcomings is a given, when you're using UN*X.
From the nested article:
> Had JSON been around when I was born in the 1970’s Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie may very well have embraced it as a recommended output format to help programs “do one thing well” in a pipeline.
They had S-expressions and plenty more options. They also could have just made a format as you can tell with thousands of ad-hoc trendy new formats like YAML and TOML being spewed out every recent year now that programmers discovered data structures.
The casting to int/float is not done unless the underlying values are predictably documented to be numbers. There are rare cases where auto int/float conversions are done, but:
1) This is always documented, and
2) You can turn this functionality off via the —raw flag
Also, predictable schemas are documented with each parser. (e.g `jc -h —-arp`)
I'm really concerned about performance/latency with the json approach. I couldn't find anyone discussing that yet completely.
Even when using jq (written in C) my quick tests show that parsing json is really slow compared to parsing with simple unix tools like awk. I suspect that to come from the fact that the parser has to check the full json output first in order to print a result, while awk does not care about syntax of the output.
I compared two shell scripts both printing the ifindex of some network device (that is the integer in the first column) 10 times.
Using awk and head combined gives me 0,068s total time measured with the time command.
Using ip with the -j flag together with jq gives 0,411s.
Therefore the awk approach is 6 times faster. And here I used a binary (ip) that already supports json output and doesn't even need the mentioned jc.
While this whole test setup is somewhat arbitrary I experienced similar results in the past when writing shell scripts for, e.g., my panel.
Reach out to me if you are interested in my test setup.
`time` needs to be the one to exec the command because they need to know when the command they are timing starts. Therefore, `time` cannot use pipes, as by then, the command being timed would've already started!
`jc` doesn't need to know anything about the command producing the output - just the format of the output. So using a pipe and stdin makes a lot of sense.
I can imagine `jc` having some detection built in, from which it determines the command/content it's being parsed. Doesn't seem to have it, yet, and I'm generally no big fan of "magic" like this, but it would remove the redundancy.
Having it as a pipe, allows for much more, though.
Hi there - author of `jc` here. I originally intended to have auto-detection but put that on the backburner to focus on creating parsers, especially after introducing the magic syntax.
I did implement auto-detection for `/proc` file parsers so you can just do:
$ cat /proc/foo | jc --proc
$ jc /proc/foo
But you can specify each procfile parser directly if you want to as well.
I Love using this in streams of data, but there is a lot to be said about the pit falls. Some of them; first you might want to filter with grep first and that leads to missing metadata, second error handling is a good thing but people tend to ignore errors and then not handle them. This is basically what filebeat/logstash from Elastic does, which is a beast at parsing (and impossible to use from command line).
The power of plain text pipes is that you do not interpret them and that makes them fast, that is usefull because you handle both 100 bytes, 1MB and 1TB as input. You choose what you parse keeping it simple, fast and usually error free. This tool miss the, fast, simple and human readable part of debugging pipes. Which is fine!
This seems very fragile, to me, without support from the application whose output is converted to JSON.
minor updates to command-line tools can and do subtly alter the textual output of the tool, and the outputs of these tools are not standardized.
This is a step towards "objects passing messages" as originally conceived by Alan Kay, if my incomplete understanding of what he's said is correct, and that's a good thing, I think. Objects passing messages around is a very solid model for computing, to me. Note that I am stupid and don't understand much, if I'm honest.
to make this great tool truly universal, it has to be written in c instead of python these days, then provide python|javascript|etc bindings if possible.
I'd like to use it on embedded systems, where python is too large to fit. this tool can be widely deployed just like awk|sed|etc but it has to be in C for that.
Agreed but I would change it with "any compiled language that has no external runtime" and common shared libs dependencies. I don't care that a utility is written in Go, Zig, C++ or Pascal ;)
`jc` is available today as a compiled binary with all dependencies self-contained. The binaries and OS package installers are available under the GitHub Releases:
Seems to me like anywhere Python is too bulky to work, a layer serializing and deserializing JSON at every pipeline step is likely to exhaust your memory too.
It seems like you have multiple binaries (otherwise, I don't see how you would save space) in a context without an operating system, but do have abstractions like a linker; throwing this out there, you may be able to sort of fake having dynamically linked binaries with transparent disk compression. The shared code gets compressed, and you trade the overhead of your linker for the overhead of your compression, and probably roughly break even.
It is obvious that CLI commands should produce machine-readable output because they are often used in scripts, and accept machine-readable input as well. Using arbitrary text output was a mistake because it is difficult to parse, especially when spaces and non-ASCII characters are present.
A good choice would be a format that is easily parsed by programs but still readable by the user. JSON is a bad choice here because it is hard to read.
In my opinion, something formatted with pipes, quotes and spaces would be better:
Note that the format I have proposed here is machine-readable, somewhat human-readable and somewhat parseable by line-oriented tools like grep. Therefore there might be no need for switches to choose output format. It is also relatively easy to produce without any libraries.
Regarding idea to output data in /proc or /sys in JSON format, I think this is wrong as well. This would mean that reading data about multiple processes would require lot of formatting and parsing JSON. Instead or parsing /proc and /sys directly, applications should use libraries distributed with kernel, and reading the data directly should be discouraged. Because currently /proc and /sys are just a kind of undocumented API.
Also, I wanted to note that I dislike jq utility. Instead of using JSONPath it uses some proprietary query format that I constantly fail to remember.
Hi there - `jc` author here. `jc` can also output in YAML format with the `-y` flag. It is fairly trivial to add other options in the future since `jc` just turns the text into objects which can be serialized to many different formats.
Also note that you are looking at plaintext output here. By default `jc` and other JSON filtering tools do syntax highlighting when outputting to the terminal so it's actually quite easy to read JSON these days.
> A good choice would be a format that is easily parsed by programs but still readable by the user.
I think the powershell approach is a good one here too: powershell commands output binary streams of objects rather than text and it is powershell itself that has several standard ways of human readable outputs, most of which are automatic (but easily tweaked with an extra pipe or two). Standard human readable forms are nice, and even standardized there's no need to rely on parsing them back out into objects because they are already passed as objects so they can focus a bit more on "pretty" over "parse-able" (such as including human useful things like ellisions `…` on long columns).
Not binary streams of serialized objects, but arrays of pointers to live objects in one process's memory. No serialization / deserialization, binary or text, or piping between processes, just passing pointers to live objects between cmdlets in the same address space. That's quite different and vastly more efficient than serializing and deserializing text or binary data between every step in different processes connected by pipes.
>As with Unix pipelines, PowerShell pipelines can construct complex commands, using the | operator to connect stages. However, the PowerShell pipeline differs from Unix pipelines in that stages execute within the PowerShell runtime rather than as a set of processes coordinated by the operating system. Additionally, structured .NET objects, rather than byte streams, are passed from one stage to the next. Using objects and executing stages within the PowerShell runtime eliminates the need to serialize data structures, or to extract them by explicitly parsing text output. An object can also encapsulate certain functions that work on the contained data, which become available to the recipient command for use. For the last cmdlet in a pipeline, PowerShell automatically pipes its output object to the Out-Default cmdlet, which transforms the objects into a stream of format objects and then renders those to the screen.
The thing to understand with PowerShell is that the way it pipelines objects is enabled by the fact that it is all happening in-process within one .net runtime. It is significantly more difficult to achieve anything similar with several independent processes being piped together
Well, yes, powershell takes some shortcuts and has the advantage that .NET has a strong object system.
If you were to build it from scratch with the idea of "shared nothing" applications similar to the unix model with text files, it's not that much more difficult with just about any sort of object or message broker. You could easily imagine a world with a dbus based "REPL"/shell, for instance. Or a different approach easily imaginable if you still want to focus on unix-style streams/files between processes would be something like BSON streams (thought it would still have some serialization/deserialization overhead).
I also dislike jq, but this is a bit of a non issue IMHO. You could in theory add any kind of output transformer in theory. The codebase doesn't seem to be optimized for that yet, but it should be trivial to add.
If you use something other than JSON you'd have to wait until every app you want to use chooses to update to support your preferred format. That might take a while. Wouldn't it be better to use JSON for the output as that's an acceptable input to lots and lots of applications already, and if you want to read the output just pass it to an app that converts from JSON to "something formatted with pipes, quotes and spaces".
On the other hand, if machine-readable format is adopted, it will be used for many years or even decades. So instead of making a quick hack that everybody will regret later it might be better to spend some time comparing different options.
JSON is the lazy choice. I particularly dislike quoting keys (variable names). Relaxed JSON, for one, allows unquoted keys http://www.relaxedjson.org
But that's just a small step - I am sure we (the community) could do better.
>> something formatted with pipes, quotes and spaces would be better
How well would this format handle deeply nested structures? It seems like it would require a lot of space characters compared to nesting open and close characters: {} or () or []
How would escaping pipes, quotes, and spaces work to represent those character literals?
There are already numerous structured text formats: JSON, XML, S-expressions, YAML, TOML, EDN, and many more. Wouldn't this be yet another format? (https://xkcd.com/927/)
How do you differentiate types with jevko (numbers, strings, boolean)? Your examples on jevko.org appear lossy as they encode in the same way things that are different in JSON and I don't know how you would then differentiate between true and "true", 27 and "27", etc.
A plain Jevko parser simply turns your unicode sequence into a tree which has its fragments as leaves/labels.
No data types on that level, much like in XML.
Now above that level there is several ways to differentiate between them.
The simplest pragmatic way is a kind of type inference: if a text parses as a number, it's a number, if it's "true" or "false", it's a boolean. Otherwise it's a string. If you know the implicit schema of your data then this will be sufficient to get the job done.
Otherwise you employ a separate schema -- JC in particular has per-parser schemas anyway, so that's covered in this case. If it wouldn't, you'd need to write a schema yourself.
Or you do "syntax-driven" data types, similar to JSON, e.g. strings start w/ "'".
It's very easy to write a parser in any language (I've written one in several) and from there start using it.
However, I am still very much working on specifications for formats above Jevko. I have some recent implementations of the simplest possible format which converts Jevko to arrays/objects/strings:
While I can appreciate the immediate value this tool brings for some applications.
At the same time it’s an epitome of everything that is wrong with current software landscape. Instead of fixing the deficiencies in upstream, once and for all, we just keep piling more and more layers on top.
Programs having structural data and APIs inside, that get translated into human representation - only to be re-parsed again into structural form. What could possibly go wrong?
If you are already in any programming environment, many of the tools already have better built in APIs. I mean who needs an “ls” or timestamp parser. Just use os.listdir or equivalent. As someone previously pointed out in this thread, the ls parser is in fact already broken, unsurprisingly. Mixing tools made for interactive use in automation is never a good idea.
The Unix philosophy sounds romantic in theory, but need structural data, throughout, to work reliably in practice. Kids, go with the underlying apis unless your tool has structured output.
I don't know why I never considered this sort of option to powershell out bash. My only problem with it is that it's in python (also why I don't really use jq), and that it's not something that just sets aliases behind the scenes.
If this were written in a performant language, if it simply aliased (i.e. invisibly) all common cli commands to a wrapper which would obviate the need for all of the text processing between steps in command pipelines, if it were versioned and I could include the version number in scripts, and finally if I could run versioned scripts through it to compile them into standard bash scripts (a big ask), I'd give it a 3 month test starting today. There'd be nothing to lose.
Just putting that out there for people who like to rewrite things in Rust. A slightly different version of this concept could allow for nearly friction-free adoption.
Why is the python an issue for you? I also dislike and avoid tools written in python, unless they have an rpm available. If there's a package then I don't so much care what language it's in.
Been using this a while to pull out a bunch of server stats for a monitoring dashboard and it's been great. I just wish there were more supported services. The total mess of different outputs and config types for Linux packages is extremely annoying to deal with.
Feel free to open issues on GitHub if you would like to recommend parsers! Also, the latest version of jc supports parsing of /proc files, which may also help.
I discovered process.send() in Node a couple years ago and it made the decision to fork a child process a lot easier. No need to sanitize command line output when you can do direct IPC over a connection that uses JSON under the hood.
The itch I can’t seem to scratch is how to run tasks in parallel and have logs that are legible to coworkers. We do JSON formatted logs in production and I’m wondering if something like this would help solve that set of problems.
Something like this is what I've been thinking is the path forward to non-posix shells and a way to get away from cumbersome foot-gunny bash.
Nushell that hit the front page earlier this week seemed to me to be limited by "compatible" apps, but wrapping all the big ones in a json converter superficially seems like a great solution to me.
Have a parseable output is great. What would be more incredible is to have a parseable output with a schema definition and/or formal grammar of some sort.
> What would be more incredible is to have a parseable output with a schema definition and/or formal grammar of some sort.
I’ve been trying to build something like this but simply don’t have the free time currently.
The plan: adapt the parser VM from lpeg (or similar, there’s a paper I’ve been reading on an Earley parser VM) into a command line app that takes a grammar + text input (or stdin) and spits out json to a file (or stdout). Probably not as general purpose as this one but also wouldn’t need a pull request to add a new format.
All the pieces are there but without the free time…
I was actually curious if there was any demand for such a thing, I just want it to parse my payroll statements because this billion dollar company can only manage crappy pdfs and, well, it’s an interesting problem.
Oh, output schema. Totally different than what I’m going on about.
You can also run `jc -h --dig` to get the parser details that include the schema.
Having true JSON Schema[0] is being considered, but on the back-burner due to the sheer number of parsers to build schemas for. Also, it is more difficult to accurately define the schema for a small subset of parsers since their command output are so variable.
So is xml. Json is relatively unstructured compared to other formats.
I think json has several advantages though. It’s a relatively lightweight and widely known serialization standard, rich enough for most cases and extensible in others, and it has easy to use parsers in all major programming languages.
Also jsonlines is a simple addition that make it easy for json to play well with non-json aware older Unix tools.
It has a few shortcomings but I think its advantages outweigh them, and it’s become a pretty widely used standard in a short time.
A slightly related pet-peeve: I don't like it when "random" commands "squat" the two-letter domain, or worse, the one-letter domain: t, jq, jc etc.
In my perfect world (which, obviously doesn't exist), commands from tools "in the wild" are at least three letters long. With historical exceptions for gnutools: preferably they'd take the three-letter space, but two-letters (cd, ls, rm etc) is fine.
Two letter space outside of gnutools, is then reserved for my aliases. If jsonquery is too long to type, AND I lack autocomplete, then an alias is easy and fast to make. alias jq=jsonquery.
In the case of this tool, it will conflict with a specialised alias I have: `alias jc=javac -Werror`. Easy to solve by me with another alias, but a practical example of why I dislike tools "squatting" the two letter namespace.
I don't believe it's really an issue in practice, your `jc` alias will just take the priority and you can easily add one for jsonquery -> `path/to/bin/jc`.
I think good short command names can help adoption (like for ripgrep, fd) but it's true that we should have a race to squat all the 2 letter names.
I perceive an element of hubris when a tool claims a two-character name. That is a very small namespace, so the tool is effectively staking a claim on mental or emotional real-estate.
This seems a general symptom of unix/POSIX command naming where commands have "always" been short names, and commands are expected to be short names.
It's something I appreciate about the powershell naming conventions. A lot of people mock the verbosity of the names of powershell commands and commandlets which require the "proper" name to be Verb-Noun qebab case monstrosities, but this was chosen for exactly the reasons of your pet peeve: short command names should be user aliases for work in a shell, and longer command names are great for avoiding namespace clashes in scripts and between users. The verbs and nouns create large (discoverable) namespaces.
For instance, this tool might be powershell named ConvertTo-ParsedJson. (ConvertTo-Json is an out of the box command that converts any powershell object to JSON.) It might suggest the user alias it by adding `Set-Alias -Name jc -Value ConvertTo-ParsedJson` but generally commands in powershell only offer such aliases as suggestions rather than defaults. (Though there are a lot of out of the box aliases for common powershell commands.)
It makes sense to me that powershell encourages long names first and allows and encourages users to have far more control over short aliases.
* "Bringing the Unix philosophy to the 21st century (2019)" (https://blog.kellybrazil.com/2019/11/26/bringing-the-unix-ph...) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28266193 238 points | Aug 22, 2021 | 146 comments
* "Tips on adding JSON output to your CLI app" (https://blog.kellybrazil.com/2021/12/03/tips-on-adding-json-...) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29435786 183 points | 11 months ago | 110 comments