A binary rate-monotonic scheduler. It was in the Ada realtime executive for an avionics box (there was no OS). It executed tasks at 5 rates, each half as fast as the previous one. It was dead simple, something like (pseudocode)
counter = 1
do highest priority stuff
case counter
when 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
do high priority stuff
when 2, 6, 10, 14
do medium priority stuff
when 4, 12
do low priority stuff
when 8
do lowest priority stuff (1st half)
when 16
do lowest priority stuff (2nd half)
if counter > 16
counter = 1
This was called on a timer interrupt.
I was like "what the heck does this do?" followed by "that sure reminds me of binary trees" and finally "whoa! cool!"
I was like "what the heck does this do?" followed by "that sure reminds me of binary trees" and finally "whoa! cool!"