No. I am saying that all the examples and the ones that you mention, perhaps except the HP TouchPad, are different enough not to be plagiarising from Apple, unlike Samsung's devices, which are flagrant rip offs of Apple design's for a tablet. For instance the radius of the corner could reasonably be anything between <5mm - >25mm, changing the aesthetic substantially. The bezel could have a different finish; acid etched for instance, it could be a different size or had an inlaid trim. Using a morphological chart you could discover many more options, some good, some of them not so good. Quite simple really. Of course you are entitled to disagree with my opinion, however to claim that other devices merely "all look similar to the iPad" is not really understanding what design is, just like the articles author. 'Design obviousness' to me is an indication of a successful design. It is also a bias of hindsight. It's tantamount to stating that anyone can produce an Andy Warhol piece.
>>The Sony tablet was pointed out in this article as a poor design that was over engineered.
The article is neither factual or authoritative. It is opinion and supposition.
>>The Sony tablet was pointed out in this article as a poor design that was over engineered.
The article is neither factual or authoritative. It is opinion and supposition.