That's amazing - this site managed to come up with CSS that prevents the font from getting bigger even when I ctrl-+ the page. Thanks for making it impossible for me to read, asshats.
It's `-webkit-text-size-adjust`. This property, at its original intent, was introduced as a way to tell Mobile Safari (and other WebKit mobile browsers) to not auto-adjust the font size on orientation change. However, there also exists `-apple-text-size-adjust` that used in several WebKit views in Apple softwares (e.g. Safari's RSS reader use `-apple-text-size-adjust` for its sidebar). At one point they deprecated `-apple` prefix for `-webkit` and the collision occurs.
This is a bug[1][2] rather than expected behavior. They can't disable it right away because Apple softwares and Qt requires this "feature". The website is likely not the one to blame here.
Update: looks like there's a new patch to fix this earlier this week.
Thanks - very informative. Why would they bother trying to prevent font re-sizing on orientation change? Surely that's done to make the text more readable.
Behavior for resizing on orientation change is kind of annoying sometimes because it adjust some font size but not all. When you create a mobile optimized site, for example, this behavior make it a lot harder to style page elements.