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> In my current company there are 7 or 8 levels (depending how you look at it) for ICs. Why?

Promotions tend to represent some combination of four things to most companies:

• more expected impact and workload,

• more status,

• more money, and

• more expected industry experience and seniority

The three level system you propose might work if the company using it is in fact actually flatter in its internal hierarchy on those traits - but if it’s not, from the perspectives of the workers, all you’ve done is intentionally obscured the mechanics of the actual hierarchy you’re using in a way that even further obscures pay disparities, denies workers who are motivated by externally visible status a route to progression, equates high performing “just below architect” and “barely above software engineer” workloads in a way likely to incentivize many seniors to coast, and surrenders an easy tool for gauging performance by measuring how successfully someone is progressing at the company and in the field based on their level vs. years of experience.

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