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ugh the actual news event being covered in this article is a 2022 result[1] confirming a 2020 result[2] both of which 'set a lower bound' on this theory by penrose. 'set a lower bound' means they didn't find it.

this article is credulous -- yes, this may exist and semi-serious people are looking for it, but pls don't confuse 'we haven't found it yet' with 'current science suggests this is very small'.

how small?! at least admit that your theory doesn't predict an energy level. 'Current science suggests that bigfoot dwells in the places we have not yet looked'. Also put the newest paper in the first paragraph, don't make me dig through recirc links, ugh.

1. https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.12...

2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-020-1008-4

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