You mean the CCC that was founded in the rooms of leftist newspaper TAZ at a table that was stolen from the anarcho-left commune "Kommune 1"?
If you don't understand that the CCC is and has always been anti-fascist, you're way off the path, friend.
Edit: forgot to mention: any notion that Antifa is a state-organized thing is misguided at best and wrong and in bad faith at worst. It's just not true.
Implying the German state of all things runs Antifa is at best risible. While justice officers and LEOs will always trend right of society, simply due to self-section based on the inherent authoritarianism of justice and LE in particular, the German security services have done a spectacularly bad job (way beyond Hanlon's razor) at preventing and prosecuting right-wing extremism, crime and terrorism for almost the entire existence of the BRD. The idea that the same security services who systematically covered for right-wing criminals run Antifa is just... I don't even know how you get that idea. Besides, the German police and justice system has been prosecuting Antifa and a large number of other left-wing organizations since always.
> Edit: forgot to mention: any notion that Antifa is a state-organized thing is misguided at best and wrong and in bad faith at worst. It's just not true.
I'm old enough and lefty enough to remember when antifa was Anti-Racist Action, and primarily skinheads concerned about Nazi skinheads. Glenn Beck really twisted the rightists' sense of history.
Who is this "Antifa" that you talk about? Are they in the room with us right now?
Calling the CCC a fascist organization is a pretty hot take that I haven't come across yet, I'll give you that, but as they say "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof".
If you work at a large company and live in a large city then there are probably some in the room with you. Just spend a little time on twitter, people are proud to self identify as such.
If you don't understand that the CCC is and has always been anti-fascist, you're way off the path, friend.
Edit: forgot to mention: any notion that Antifa is a state-organized thing is misguided at best and wrong and in bad faith at worst. It's just not true.