If you're comfortable with JS, you don't need a book to learn TS.
There are two main resources I would recommend:
- for those who prefer written content, the TypeScript Handbook [1]
- for those who prefer video content, the first couple videos of Jack Herrington's No BS TS series [2]
Other than that, just start using it. My main advice would be that your TS code should look as much like JS code as possible, ie don't explicitly type everything, just rely on inference where possible. Basic generics can be useful occasionally, but most of the "Type Challenge" type stuff is only really useful to library developers.
I wouldn't waste time buying/using a book to learn TS. If you have experience in any statically typed language you should be able to pick up the basics just by a quick peruse of the TS docs.
And then even if you don't I'd still say reading the docs and just browsing existing code assuming you already know JS would get you all the way there.