I have a mixture of good and bad ones. But the really bad are completely gone. Once I was told about one day when my uncle and other relatives ended in a "boxing match" after some alcohol and discussion... and I have absolutely no memory about it. After I was told many times, and with details, I seemed to start remembering it... but I stoped thinking about it, casually because of fear that those memories where implanted and not real...
From my childhood I have horrible holes in my memory... only flashes here and there... but when I meet with school guys from that time, they tell endless stories from them I do not remember anything at all... sometimes I am the protagonist, but I have no clue what they talk about.
This happens to me too, my wife will tell me about horrible fights we had at the beginning of our marriage and i have absolutely no memory of them. I think forgetting unpleasant memories is a defense mechanism some people develop.
From my childhood I have horrible holes in my memory... only flashes here and there... but when I meet with school guys from that time, they tell endless stories from them I do not remember anything at all... sometimes I am the protagonist, but I have no clue what they talk about.