We think alike. I started out with Hugo because it's very popular and relatively easy to use. It has a bunch of features that I had to read about but didn't have a use for -- overhead.
One of the most annoying aspects of working with hugo was the friction from idea to publishing it.
I decided to go a completely different route and built https://prose.sh
With prose all I have to do is to create a markdown file and then `scp` it to prose.sh. The platform takes care of the rest and I can still enjoy my own editor and terminal tooling. Even better, authentication happens via SSH so the friction is extremely low.
It's a nice balance between writing a blog on a platform that does everything for you and being able to use my own tooling to write content.
Another big issue with Hugo is when I want to make edits to the content. My brain is weird and I only scrutinize my content after it has been published. So I end up making a lot of edits after an article has been live for a few minutes. It's a terrible habit and Hugo required deployment for every little change.
I've thought about converting prose to be SSG -- we could generate the html when a user uploads the file -- but honestly the site is fast as it is so I don't see the value in that added complexity.
Nice! I have a Hugo site I’ve tweaked over the years, and my workflow is similar to yours. I create/edit an MD file, then run a shell command which pushes changes to Github, which triggers a redeploy.
How do you handle images? That’s my main annoyance / biggest hurdle when publishing. I have to take each image, resize it for web, put it in static folder, and reference that pathname in the MD file. Not a big deal, but would love an easier way. I suppose I could write a simple shell script that does all of the resizing and prints out a path back for me to use.
Can you use `hugo server` (much like `jekyll/zola serve`) and a local Git repo to polish up the content locally, explore various permutations, before pushing to a cloud-based host?
One of the most annoying aspects of working with hugo was the friction from idea to publishing it.
I decided to go a completely different route and built https://prose.sh
With prose all I have to do is to create a markdown file and then `scp` it to prose.sh. The platform takes care of the rest and I can still enjoy my own editor and terminal tooling. Even better, authentication happens via SSH so the friction is extremely low.
It's a nice balance between writing a blog on a platform that does everything for you and being able to use my own tooling to write content.
Another big issue with Hugo is when I want to make edits to the content. My brain is weird and I only scrutinize my content after it has been published. So I end up making a lot of edits after an article has been live for a few minutes. It's a terrible habit and Hugo required deployment for every little change.
I've thought about converting prose to be SSG -- we could generate the html when a user uploads the file -- but honestly the site is fast as it is so I don't see the value in that added complexity.