But we're a small company, can fit around a big table at the local steak house. Back when I worked in a large building on 1st St in San Jose it was different. They'd cater a lunch in a conference room, we'd eat the free sandwiches and talk, then we'd go out to lunch again somewhere good.
No, and I prefer it that way. Spending another 45 minutes with people I already spend 50-60 hours a week with is not something I need or want. Lunch is for me the opportunity to take a well-deserved break away from work and from coworkers and the office (whether virtual or physical).
But we're a small company, can fit around a big table at the local steak house. Back when I worked in a large building on 1st St in San Jose it was different. They'd cater a lunch in a conference room, we'd eat the free sandwiches and talk, then we'd go out to lunch again somewhere good.