I'm not talking about the "trusted by" section, but now that I'm visiting your site again, I see you've added that. When i looked a year back you only had the second section. "The power of open source" which then shows a ton of logos, including:
affirm, box, axon, youtube, github, square, shopify, new relic, yelp, weave... If these are all your customers, that really wasn't clear to me! And that's awesome! You should be more explicit that they're all your customers.
I thought it was just saying, "hey, all these folks are using this open source thing that we're also using/selling".
Reminds me of planetscale.com which has a bunch of logos on their home page, but really those logos are using vitess, not actually using planetscale.
Purposely misleading on both fronts imo. Rubs me the wrong way