If you use elfeed its nice to watch video entries in mpv without a side trip to the browser. Stolen from Prot somewhere or other.
(defun prot/elfeed-mpv-dwim ()
"Play entry link with external `mpv' program.
When there is an audio enclosure (podcast), play just the audio.
Else spawn a video player at a resolution that accounts for the
current monitor's width."
(let\* ((entry (if (eq major-mode 'elfeed-show-mode)
(elfeed-search-selected :ignore-region)))
(link (elfeed-entry-link entry))
(enclosure (elt (car (elfeed-entry-enclosures entry)) 0)) ; fragile?
(audio "")
;; Here the display width checks if I am on the laptop
(height (if (<= (display-pixel-width ) 1366) 720 1080))
(video (format "--ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?%s]+bestaudio/best" height))
;; (buf (pop-to-buffer "*elfeed-mpv-output*"))
(run-hooks 'prot/elfeed-mpv-hook)
(if enclosure ; make this its own parametrised function
(start-process "f fuckoff audio-mpv" nil "mpv" enclosure)
(message (concat "Launching MPV for " (propertize enclosure 'face 'success))))
(start-process "f fuckoff video-mpv" nil "mpv" video link)
(message (concat "Launching MPV for " (propertize link 'face 'success))))))
At one point I wrote script to prompt for a name if passed more than one argument and create a playlist and remember the last n playlists and regular files opened so you could in turn pull up this list and narrow with rofi but as of late I'm just adding videos to jellyfin.
Umpv is a script that emulates single instance mode whereby arguments are simply pushed to the existing players playlist instead of opening a new player.
Other fun tricks
If you use jaro instead of xdg-open you can make video links automatically open in mpv while regular web links open in your browser of choice.
If you use elfeed its nice to watch video entries in mpv without a side trip to the browser. Stolen from Prot somewhere or other.
At one point I wrote script to prompt for a name if passed more than one argument and create a playlist and remember the last n playlists and regular files opened so you could in turn pull up this list and narrow with rofi but as of late I'm just adding videos to jellyfin.Umpv is a script that emulates single instance mode whereby arguments are simply pushed to the existing players playlist instead of opening a new player.