This comment is recklessly dismissive of subsidiarity. Public libraries would have been set back decades, at least, without 'bored rich guys' making huge strides to spread the concept and build many libraries. Hospitals and universities are likewise benefeciaries of 'bored rich guys'.
There is a large public resource in question, the public school. All US Americans should be more or less familiar with public schools that make very poor use of those resources as suggested by our top-in-class spending per pupil and middling achievement levels. In this case a school had a great resource, a 'bored rich guy' with the requisite background and focus, and they recognized and took advantage of this fact.
In plenty of other circumstances in life, power struggles or many other flavors of bureaucracy would have prevented this outcome. In the linked story, this effort was allowed to flourish and supported, which is to the great credit of the school and probably the wider community. Consequently, a significant group of students are receiving phenomenal educations that extend far beyond the narrow scope of high school math curricula, and they are doing it seemingly all under the tutelage of a single teacher.