> If I use square tiles and hide the seams between adjacent tiles, will it look OK?
Square tiling is very obvious, as you can see from the first example [0]. Hex tiling shifts tiles to a less obvious pattern. Also, as I can see from the video, tiles can be rotated while hiding the seams perfectly, which eliminates repetition altogether.
Is that first example comparing squaring filing with the same _fixed_ rotation for each tile versus hex-tiling with random or otherwise varying rotation?
You could use world position (or just some non-uniform sampling) to offset the UVs and get a similar effect, no? Is hex significant or is it just one of any number of ways to break up the uniformity?
In practice, yes, it's very common to use a shader to sample the texture with some rotation and noise. Most games have a shader level implementation to address this, and we've done that for a decade at least.
I don't understand this part. If I use square tiles and hide the seams between adjacent tiles, will it look OK? What's the benefit of using hex tiles?