Mostly the very old, at this point; though I'm in my 40s where the rate starts to tick up. But beyond that, there's the risk of long term morbidity. My niece was early 20's, active, in good health, with no comorbidities and is now pseudo-disabled. The vaccine only removes about 30% of the risk of this type of outcome, but still that alone is worth it.
> What is the vax status of those that are dying, presumably many have taken the vaccine anyways yes?
Looks like people who have taken the vaccine have about 6-10% of the risk of death of those who haven't, controlling for comorbidities.
> Are you going to take covid boosters for the rest of your life?
A lot of us might-- though I've got a fair bit of hope that we come up with something better in the next couple of years. I will do my best to avoid infection in the meantime.
> The disease is going to be continually weakened and become just another coronavirus.
Viral selection is complicated. Yes, in the very long term, many viruses end up becoming less virulent, but others go in the other direction.
> Can you say the same about the long term prospects of endless boosters on your body? I sure couldn't.
I'm pretty dang confident that I can bound the risk from the vaccine to be much lower than the risk from COVID infection.
Mostly the very old, at this point; though I'm in my 40s where the rate starts to tick up. But beyond that, there's the risk of long term morbidity. My niece was early 20's, active, in good health, with no comorbidities and is now pseudo-disabled. The vaccine only removes about 30% of the risk of this type of outcome, but still that alone is worth it.
> What is the vax status of those that are dying, presumably many have taken the vaccine anyways yes?
Looks like people who have taken the vaccine have about 6-10% of the risk of death of those who haven't, controlling for comorbidities.
> Are you going to take covid boosters for the rest of your life?
A lot of us might-- though I've got a fair bit of hope that we come up with something better in the next couple of years. I will do my best to avoid infection in the meantime.
> The disease is going to be continually weakened and become just another coronavirus.
Viral selection is complicated. Yes, in the very long term, many viruses end up becoming less virulent, but others go in the other direction.
> Can you say the same about the long term prospects of endless boosters on your body? I sure couldn't.
I'm pretty dang confident that I can bound the risk from the vaccine to be much lower than the risk from COVID infection.