Adding the brackets greatly simplifies things for the implementation of the command dispatcher/suggester. In addition, in some situations it can be difficult tell what part of the command is an input and what isn't.
For example, let's say a user intends to use the command:
translate [text] to [language]
They type:
translate hey buddy! i found this neat guide to japanese
There are two ways to interpret this, both of which are valid:
1. The user typed a full command.
Bracketed version:
translate [hey buddy! i found this neat guide] to [japanese]
2. The user isn't finished writing the text to be translated, and should get a list of suggestions.
Bracketed version:
translate [hey buddy! i found this neat guide to japanese]
I made this app because traditional command lines are often tricky to use. I don't enjoy looking up documentation for each and every command argument.
With this method, you get suggestions at every step of the way (try typing "films starring [").
Adding the brackets greatly simplifies things for the implementation of the command dispatcher/suggester. In addition, in some situations it can be difficult tell what part of the command is an input and what isn't.
For example, let's say a user intends to use the command: translate [text] to [language]
They type:
translate hey buddy! i found this neat guide to japanese
There are two ways to interpret this, both of which are valid:
1. The user typed a full command.
Bracketed version:
translate [hey buddy! i found this neat guide] to [japanese]
2. The user isn't finished writing the text to be translated, and should get a list of suggestions.
Bracketed version:
translate [hey buddy! i found this neat guide to japanese]
I made this app because traditional command lines are often tricky to use. I don't enjoy looking up documentation for each and every command argument.
With this method, you get suggestions at every step of the way (try typing "films starring [").