> Why wouldn't you want to see them in your `git status`?
I tend to function poorly around cognitive clutter. It distracts me from the important stuff: the files I’ve decided to put under version control. YMMV.
> will become invisible to an increasingly large number of tools (vscode, ag aka silversearcher, ripgrep, emacs's projectile to name a few)
That doesn’t really seem to be the case with VS Code. Ignored files appear grey but they’re still showing up for me.
>Ignored files appear grey but they’re still showing up for me.
They show up greyed out in the explorer yes, but they won't appear when you navigate with "Go to File" (ctrl+p) and they won't be searched through with "Search" (ctrl+shift+f).
I tend to function poorly around cognitive clutter. It distracts me from the important stuff: the files I’ve decided to put under version control. YMMV.
> will become invisible to an increasingly large number of tools (vscode, ag aka silversearcher, ripgrep, emacs's projectile to name a few)
That doesn’t really seem to be the case with VS Code. Ignored files appear grey but they’re still showing up for me.